At Gateway, we are very proud to now be a part of the Woodland Carbon Capture Scheme via Premier Paper. While we still purchase FSC accredited paper, we decided to partner with The Woodland Trust for a number of reasons. Firstly, working with Woodland offers us the opportunity to be more hands-on, and really become involved in offsetting our carbon usage without paying for bureaucracy. As a part of this initiative, we took a number of staff and customers to Heartwood Forest in both 2015 and 2016 to take part in the Woodland Trust’s tree planting day.
We also chose to partner with Woodland Carbon because 100% of the money we give them is spent on planting deciduous trees in the UK. We can be safe in the knowledge that all of our contribution is being spent on a fantastic project, which will result in the expansion of native deciduous woodland in the UK. Woodland Carbon is an accredited, award-winning carbon removal scheme that operates under the Government’s 2011 Woodland Carbon Code. The Woodland Trust aims not only to offset carbon emission, but also to improve the landscape of Britain by planting more woodland.
Key aims